About Affiliation |
The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. The Affiliation Code is 430160 and the School Number is 13124. The CBSE has remodelled the assessment system with effect from 2017-18, in respect of the secondary stage. In the light of this, the school has also remodelled the system of assessment in respect of the students of the school.
Facilitating literacy is not the only objective of the school. All that the youngster wants out of school is himself / herself. If this be so, it is the paramount responsibility of the school to ensure that the youngsters get to know themselves and evolve into useful and effective individuals. To achieve this, the school has to take to facilitating the development of the mind and not stuffing the memory. Only then, can schooling be congenial for education. This is what is envisaged in the remodelled system of assessment.
The evaluation of all the students involves the twin aspects of written examination with eighty percentage of weightage and internal assessment with twenty percentage of weightage.
Each subject will have one written examination involving the entire course content covered in the whole academic year, at the end of the academic year, which will be assessed out of eighty marks.
Formative Assessment does not involve simply administering the conventional written test. Each formative assessment entails a battery of non-conventional assessments , suitably customized to ensure the comprehensive character of the scheme of assessment as well as the conventional written test . The formative assessment is resorted to as per the annual scheme of work detailed at the commencement of the academic session. Thus, the set of assessments resorted to, in the course of any term, amidst the teaching - learning process forms the formative assessment.
As a rule, the outcome of each formative assessment is calculated arriving at the average of a total of two non conventional assessments and one conventional assessment or what is known as, pen and paper test . To put it differently, each formative assessment involves a set of two non conventional assessments and one written test. In the course of the two terms, each academic subject will involve four formative assessments. These four formative assessments, ramify into a set of eight non conventional assessments and four written tests , spread through the entire academic year, ensuring the continuous and comprehensive nature of the scheme of evaluation.
There is provision for internal assessment amounting to twenty percentage. The scheme of internal assessment involves, i) Notebook Submission/Assignment, ii) Subject Enrichment Activity and iii) Periodic Test. |
i) Notebook Submission/Assignment: The notebooks maintained by the students to keep record of classroom transaction, assignment and other kindred educative exercises form the best means to assess the level of learning amidst the students. It is needless to mention that regular and systematic inspection of the notebooks maintained by the students could not only facilitate proper monitoring of the process of learning of the students, but also yield capital feedback for the teachers to customise their pedagogical strategy to be congenial to facilitate learning effectively. There is provision for internal assessment to the tune of five percentage in this regard. In this connection, each teacher keeps record of the outcome of their inspection of the note books maintained by the students and assignments carried out by them, on fortnightly basis. The overall, average of the marks secured by the students in this regard determine their score with regard to the internal assessment of five percentage under this head. |
ii) Subject Enrichment Activity: Education is that remains with one, when one has forgotten almost all that one has learnt in educational institutions. Yes, education is basically residual in nature. The entire regime of education spanning over years, is not to get the youngsters simply master the entire curriculum, but to get them inculcate problem solving ability and the concomitant skill of application. To cater to this essential aspect, students will be involved in subject enrichment activity with the principal focus on developing problem solving ability and application skill subjectwise, on monthly basis. The overall, average of the marks secured by the students in this regard determines their score with regard to the internal assessment of five percentage under this head. |
iii) Periodic Test: The significance of written test in the domains of teaching learning process cannot be over emphasized. Accordingly, there is provision for three periodic tests, as detailed under |
a. The First Periodic Test: The first periodic test comprises three monthly tests conducted from April to August. The average of the scores secured in all these tests will be calculated to arrive at the score in the first periodic test. The score thus arrived at will be out of ten. |
b. The Second Periodic Test: The Mid Term Examination to be conducted involving the second fortnight of September and the first fortnight of October, will constitute the second periodic test. The scores secured will be worked out of ten to arrive at the score of the second periodic test. |
c. The Third Periodic Test: The third periodic test comprises three monthly tests conducted from November to January. The average of the scores secured in all these tests will be calculated to arrive at the score in the third periodic test. The score thus arrived at will be out of ten.
The average of the best two of the three periodic tests conducted will be worked out to arrive at the ten percentage of internal assessment under this head.
iv) General Performance Record: Continuous and Comprehensive record is maintained to reflect the general performance of the students. The general performance covers a vast spectrum of problem solving ability, reasoning, taking to inference, skill of application, communication skill by way of presentation and also asking and answering questions, skill to extrapolate, and so on, on the part of the students. The scores secured by the students will be averaged and rounded to a maximum of five. The score thus arrived at will be added to the grand total secured by the student, ensuring that the final grand total after the addition does not exceed the maximum possible grand total.
The students will be given Performance Profile reflecting their overall performance in every respect, possibly for four times quarterly, half yearly, pre annual, and annual. The format of the Annual Performance Profile is as under. |